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Server Details

The top of the Session Builder screen is used to configure server details - that is, how the Inspector should connect to the target Appium server.

Server Details

By default, the Appium Server tab is selected, which is used for connecting to a standalone local or remote Appium server. However, it is also possible to connect to a server provided by a cloud service. See the section below for more details.

Default Server Detail Fields

The default server details have 4 fields:

Default Server Details

  • Remote Host: the host URL of the server
  • Remote Port: the port on which the server is running
  • Remote Path: the path used to access the server. Appium 2 servers use / by default, whereas Appium 1 servers use /wd/hub
  • SSL: by default, the server is accessed over HTTP - tick this checkbox to use HTTPS

If using the placeholder details, the Inspector will try to connect to If you have a locally-running Appium 2 server that was launched with default parameters, it should also be using this address, in which case you can leave the fields unchanged.

Cloud Providers

Clicking the Select Cloud Providers button opens a screen with various cloud providers that support integration through Appium Inspector:

Cloud Providers

Selecting any provider then adds a new tab next to the default Appium Server tab, and switching to the provider's tab changes the available server detail fields. Different providers will have different fields - for example, LambdaTest only requires the username and access key:

LambdaTest Server Details

Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings options allow further configuration of the Appium server connection:

Advanced Settings