Recorder Tab

The Recorder tab is used to record various Inspector interactions into executable code, for use with various Appium clients.

Empty Recorder Tab

By default, the tab contents are empty, since recording must be manually enabled in the Inspector header. However, the dropdown in the top-right corner can be used in advance to select the target language for the recorded code.

Refer to the Toggle Recorder button documentation for a list of interactions that can be recorded.


The recording of Inspector actions does not require the Recorder tab to remain opened.

Once recording is enabled and a few actions are recorded, the tab contents are populated with the generated code.

Filled Recorder Tab

Changing the language in this state also changes the already-recorded code to the new language.

Recorder Tab Language Change

There are also a few management buttons shown next to the language dropdown:

Recorder Tab Management Buttons

  • The boilerplate toggle button allows showing or hiding additional boilerplate code. This code is also shown in the Session Information tab.
  • The copy button copies the currently recorded code to the clipboard. If enabled, boilerplate code is copied as well.
  • The clear button deletes all the currently recorded code. Note that the recording state is not changed.