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Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is the always shown either at the top of the application window (Windows) or in the system menu bar (macOS).

macOS Menu Bar


The menu bar is not available in the web app version of the Inspector.

Several standard menu bar options are included, mainly related to window and text management. However, there are a few specific options as well:

Update Checker

The update checker is available under the File menu (Windows/Linux) or the application menu (macOS). It can be used to check if there is a newer version of the Inspector available, and if so, it is possible to automatically download and install the latest version.

Updating is supported for the following application formats:

  • macOS: .dmg
  • Windows: .exe installer
  • Linux: .AppImage

Open/Save Session

The Open Session File / Save As options in the File menu provides the ability to import and export session details. Only one set of session details can be imported/exported at a time.

Exporting Sessions

Selecting the Save As option will package the currently specified server and session details into a downloadable .appiumsession file, which can then be shared to other computers.

Importing Sessions

Selecting the Open Session File option will load the server and session details in the Session Builder. The loaded information can then be modified and/or saved inside the Inspector.

Change Language

The Language option in the View menu allows to change the entire application language. Currently there are over 20 available languages with community-provided translations!


Most languages only include partial translations. You can help by providing your translations on Crowdin!