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Screenshot Panel

The Screenshot panel is shown on the left side of the Session Inspector. It shows a screenshot of the current device screen, and also provides several ways of interacting with this screenshot.

Screenshot Panel

Supported Screenshots

The panel supports all screenshots regardless of dimensions, in any orientation:

Screenshot Panel in Landscape

The Inspector will try to automatically adjust how much of the window is taken up by the screenshot. Currently, the limit is either the full window height, or 40% of the window width.


Handling of multiple screenshots (for multi-screen devices) is not currently supported.

Refreshing the Screenshot

By default, the screenshot itself is a static image, which is only updated when a refresh is requested, exactly like for the Source tab. Interacting with the application outside of the Inspector will not cause the screenshot to refresh.

However, it is possible to have the screenshot update automatically, and always mirror the actual device screen, even when interacting with the device outside of the Inspector. This can be achieved by using MJPEG session capabilities, such as appium:mjpegServerPort.

Screenshot Panel Header

The panel header contains several interface elements that allow interacting with the screenshot in various ways.

Element Handles Toggle

Toggle Element Handles Button

This switch toggles the visibility of highlighter handles for all identified elements.


Highlighter handles are only visible in Element Mode.

Screenshot With Element Handles

Highlighter handles can be very useful if there are multiple elements overlapping around the same coordinates. Such element handles are merged together in a single group handle, identified by the + symbol. This group handle can then be clicked to reveal the individual highlighter handles, enabling the selection of each individual element.

Expanded Group Handle

Interaction Mode

Screenshot Interaction Mode Buttons

The Interaction Mode buttons allow switching between the default Element Mode, and the Coordinates Mode. The differences are as follows:

Element Mode In this mode, hovering over the screenshot will highlight any detected elements. Clicking on any highlighter will then select the corresponding element in the application source, and show its details in the selected element panel.
Coordinates Mode In this mode, the top left corner of the screenshot will show an coordinates overlay. Hovering over the screenshot will update this overlay with the coordinates on the device screen, and clicking or swiping the screenshot will execute a tap/swipe action on the device.

Download Screenshot

Download Sreenshot Button


This button is not visible when using MJPEG screenshotting capabilities like appium:mjpegServerUrl.

This button allows to save the currently shown screenshot to your computer as a .PNG file.