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Testing in Parallel

It is possible to execute tests in parallel using XCUITest driver. Appium allows to do this on a per-process (multiple server processes running on different ports managing single session) or a per-request basis (single server process managing multiple sessions, more preferable, uses less resources and ensures better control over running sessions).


If you are not going to run your tests in parallel, consider enabling the --session-override Appium server argument. It forces the server to close all pending sessions before a new one could be opened, which allows you to avoid possible issues with such sessions silently running/expiring in the background.

Important Real Device Capabilities

  • udid must be a unique device UDID for each parallel session.
  • wdaLocalPort must be a unique port number for each parallel session. The default value is 8100.
  • derivedDataPath set the unique derived data path root for each driver instance. This will help to avoid possible conflicts and to speed up the parallel execution.
  • mjpegServerPort must be a unique port number for each parallel session if you are going to record a video stream from it. The default value is 9100.

Important Simulator Capabilities

  • Either udid, which is the unique simulator UDID for each parallel session (it could be retrieved from xcrun simctl list command output), or a unique combination of deviceName and platformVersion capabilities to identify the appropriate simulator with the given name and version number for each parallel session.
  • wdaLocalPort must be a unique port number for each parallel session. The default value is 8100.
  • derivedDataPath set the unique derived data path root for each driver instance. This will help to avoid possible conflicts and to speed up the parallel execution.
  • mjpegServerPort must be a unique port number for each parallel session if you are going to record a video stream from it. The default value is 9100.