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Touch ID

The XCUITest driver has the capability to simulate Touch ID.


This functionality is only supported on simulators.


To use Touch ID, the application that Appium launches from (Terminal, iTerm, etc.) must be added to the accessibility preferences on your Mac. Navigate to System Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Accessibility and under Allow the apps below to control your computer add the application.

Why this is needed: The only way Appium can enable enrollment and toggling of Touch ID is to use system-level accessibility APIs to simulate mouse clicks on the simulator menus via AppleScript.


  • Set the capability appium:allowTouchIdEnroll to true.
  • When the Simulator starts, Touch ID enrollment will be enabled by default
  • You can toggle Touch ID enrollment by calling the mobile: enrollBiometric extension


Remember that not all iOS devices have Touch ID, so your tests should handle cases where Touch ID is not supported.