Element Attributes

The XCUITest driver supports the following element attributes:

name Could contain either element's identifier or its label, depending on which one is available first. Could also be null. It is recommended to prefer the usage of accessibilityIdentifier over accessibilityLabel for automation purposes, since the identifier property is supposed to stay constant under different locales and does not affect accessibility services such as VoiceOver. In applications written using ReactNative framework this attribute reflects the value of the testID property. hello
label Element's label value. Could be null. Since XCUITest driver 4.7.3 (WebDriverAgent 4.8.0), the behavior of this value was better aligned with XCTest, so it could include line breaks (\n). Before this version, line breaks were replaced by spaces. hello, hello\nworld
type Element's type name XCUIElementTypeButton
visible Whether the element is visible. This value is not available in the "vanilla" XCTest and is read directly from the accessibility layer false
focused Whether the element is focused. Before driver version 4.25.4, this was only available for tvOS. true
accessible Whether the element is accessible. This value is not available in the "vanilla" XCTest and is read directly from the accessibility layer true
enabled Whether the element is enabled. false
selected Whether the element is selected false
index Element's index in the hierarchy relatively to its parent. Only available since Appium 1.20.0. Indexing starts from 0. 2
rect Element's rectangle. The actual data of this attribute is based on element's frame. {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'width': 100, 'height': 100}
value Element's value. This is a complex attribute, whose calculation algorithm depends on the actual element type. Check WebDriverAgent sources to know more about how it is compiled (method - (NSString *)wdValue). Could be null hello
hittable Whether the element is hittable. This attribute is not included into the XML page source due to performance reasons, although you can use it in element locators or fetch its value using getAttribute API. true
placeholderValue Element's placeolderValue value. Placeholder text