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Get/Set Clipboard

Working with the clipboard on real devices has an Apple security limitation, where the WebDriverAgentRunner application must be in foreground in order for the action to work. Otherwise an empty string is always returned, or it could raise an exception like this issue.

Consider using mobile: activateApp and mobile: backgroundApp to change the foreground application.

Get Clipboard

Applies to iOS 13+ real devices. You can also use mobile: getPasteboard for simulators.

# Ruby

# Bring the WebDriverAgent foreground. The bundle id depends on configuration such as "appium:updatedWDABundleId" for real devices.
driver.execute_script 'mobile: activateApp', {bundleId: 'com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner'}
# Get the clipboard content
# Go back to the application under test
driver.execute_script 'mobile: activateApp', {bundleId: '<bundle id of the test app>'}

Set Clipboard

Applies to iOS 15+ real devices. You can also use mobile: setPasteboard for simulators.

# Ruby

# Bring the WebDriverAgent foreground. The bundle id depends on configuration such as "appium:updatedWDABundleId" for real devices.
driver.execute_script 'mobile: activateApp', {bundleId: 'com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner'}
# Set the clipboard content
driver.set_clipboard(content: 'happy testing')
# Go back to the application under test
driver.execute_script 'mobile: activateApp', {bundleId: '<bundle id of the test app>'}