Manual Configuration for a Generic Device

It is possible to build WebDriverAgentRunner for a generic iOS/iPadOS/tvOS device, and install the generated .app package to a real device.

# iOS/iPadOS
$ xcodebuild clean build-for-testing -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -derivedDataPath appium_wda_ios -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination generic/platform=iOS CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=YES

# tvOS
$ xcodebuild clean build-for-testing -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -derivedDataPath appium_wda_tvos -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner_tvOS -destination generic/platform=tvOS CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=YES

On successful completion the resulting package should be located in the Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ subfolder under WebDriverAgent sources root, or in the path provided as derivedDataPath argument.


If the build fails, please make sure WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj has codesigning properties configured properly. For example, you may need to change the bundle id for the provisioning profile.

The can now be installed to any real device as allowed by the provisioning profile.

You can install the package with 3rd party tools and manage it separately as explained in How To Set Up And Customize WebDriverAgent Server. Note that if the codesigning was not correct, the installation will fail.

As a more advanced method, you can generate the package with CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO and do codesign by yourself. This would make the device management more flexible, but you would need to know about advanced codesign usage scenarios.


The Appium team distributes generic builds with CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO at WebDriverAgent package releases. It is recommended to sign packages with a wildcard (*) provisioning profile, although such profiles require a paid Apple Developer account. For example, if you're preparing such a provisioning profile for io.appium.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner, it will be for io.appium.*, io.appium.WebDriverAgentRunner.* or *. In case of a free account, you may need to update the bundle id before building the WebDriverAgent package to prepare a properly signed WebDriverAgent package by xcodebuild.