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Attach to a running WebDriverAgent application

XCUITest driver provides appium:webDriverAgentUrl capability to attach to a running WebDriverAgent application. This works for real devices and simulators, but primary usage is for real devices.

How to use appium:webDriverAgentUrl capability

  1. Start a WebDriverAgent application on a device
  2. Start an XCUITest driver session with appium:webDriverAgentUrl capability

Please read Manage WebDriverAgent by yourself and Real Device Configuration about how to prepare a WebDriverAgent application for real devices and start it.

The appium:webDriverAgentUrl should be http://<reachable ip address for the device>:8100. If the environment had port-forward to the connected device, it can be http://localhost:8100.

  "platformName": "ios",
  "appium:automationName": "xcuitest",
  "appium:platformVersion": "15.5",
  "appium:udid": "<the device's udid>",
  "appium:deviceName": "iPhone",
  "appium:webDriverAgentUrl": "http://<reachable ip address for the device>:8100"

This method allows you to manage the WebDriverAgent application process by yourself. XCUITest driver simply attaches to the WebDriverAgent application process. It may improve the application performance.