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Interface: ISessionCommands



  • ISessionCommands


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getSession(): Promise<SingularSessionData<{ app: { isString: true = true } ; autoLaunch: { isBoolean: true = true } ; autoWebview: { isBoolean: true = true } ; automationName: { isString: true = true } ; deviceName: { isString: true = true } ; eventTimings: { isBoolean: true = true } ; fullReset: { isBoolean: true = true } ; language: { isString: true = true } ; locale: { isString: true = true } ; newCommandTimeout: { isNumber: true = true } ; noReset: { isBoolean: true = true } ; orientation: { inclusion: readonly ["LANDSCAPE", "PORTRAIT"] } ; platformName: { isString: true = true; presence: true = true } ; platformVersion: { isString: true = true } ; printPageSourceOnFindFailure: { isBoolean: true = true } ; udid: { isString: true = true } ; webSocketUrl: { isString: true = true } }, void>>

Get the data for the current session


Promise<SingularSessionData<{ app: { isString: true = true } ; autoLaunch: { isBoolean: true = true } ; autoWebview: { isBoolean: true = true } ; automationName: { isString: true = true } ; deviceName: { isString: true = true } ; eventTimings: { isBoolean: true = true } ; fullReset: { isBoolean: true = true } ; language: { isString: true = true } ; locale: { isString: true = true } ; newCommandTimeout: { isNumber: true = true } ; noReset: { isBoolean: true = true } ; orientation: { inclusion: readonly ["LANDSCAPE", "PORTRAIT"] } ; platformName: { isString: true = true; presence: true = true } ; platformVersion: { isString: true = true } ; printPageSourceOnFindFailure: { isBoolean: true = true } ; udid: { isString: true = true } ; webSocketUrl: { isString: true = true } }, void>>

A session data object

Defined in



getSessions(): Promise<MultiSessionData<{ app: { isString: true = true } ; autoLaunch: { isBoolean: true = true } ; autoWebview: { isBoolean: true = true } ; automationName: { isString: true = true } ; deviceName: { isString: true = true } ; eventTimings: { isBoolean: true = true } ; fullReset: { isBoolean: true = true } ; language: { isString: true = true } ; locale: { isString: true = true } ; newCommandTimeout: { isNumber: true = true } ; noReset: { isBoolean: true = true } ; orientation: { inclusion: readonly ["LANDSCAPE", "PORTRAIT"] } ; platformName: { isString: true = true; presence: true = true } ; platformVersion: { isString: true = true } ; printPageSourceOnFindFailure: { isBoolean: true = true } ; udid: { isString: true = true } ; webSocketUrl: { isString: true = true } }, void>[]>

Get data for all sessions running on an Appium server


Promise<MultiSessionData<{ app: { isString: true = true } ; autoLaunch: { isBoolean: true = true } ; autoWebview: { isBoolean: true = true } ; automationName: { isString: true = true } ; deviceName: { isString: true = true } ; eventTimings: { isBoolean: true = true } ; fullReset: { isBoolean: true = true } ; language: { isString: true = true } ; locale: { isString: true = true } ; newCommandTimeout: { isNumber: true = true } ; noReset: { isBoolean: true = true } ; orientation: { inclusion: readonly ["LANDSCAPE", "PORTRAIT"] } ; platformName: { isString: true = true; presence: true = true } ; platformVersion: { isString: true = true } ; printPageSourceOnFindFailure: { isBoolean: true = true } ; udid: { isString: true = true } ; webSocketUrl: { isString: true = true } }, void>[]>

A list of session data objects

Defined in
