webdriver package
- webdriver.common package
- Submodules
- webdriver.common.appiumby module
- Module contents
- webdriver.extensions package
- Subpackages
- webdriver.extensions.android package
- Submodules
- webdriver.extensions.android.activities module
- webdriver.extensions.android.common module
- webdriver.extensions.android.display module
- webdriver.extensions.android.gsm module
- webdriver.extensions.android.nativekey module
- webdriver.extensions.android.network module
- webdriver.extensions.android.performance module
- webdriver.extensions.android.power module
- webdriver.extensions.android.sms module
- webdriver.extensions.android.system_bars module
- Module contents
- webdriver.extensions.flutter_integration package
- webdriver.extensions.android package
- Submodules
- webdriver.extensions.action_helpers module
- webdriver.extensions.applications module
- webdriver.extensions.clipboard module
- webdriver.extensions.context module
- webdriver.extensions.device_time module
- webdriver.extensions.execute_driver module
- webdriver.extensions.execute_mobile_command module
- webdriver.extensions.hw_actions module
- webdriver.extensions.images_comparison module
- webdriver.extensions.keyboard module
- webdriver.extensions.location module
- webdriver.extensions.log_event module
- webdriver.extensions.remote_fs module
- webdriver.extensions.screen_record module
- webdriver.extensions.session module
- webdriver.extensions.settings module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
webdriver.appium_connection module
- class AppiumConnection(remote_server_addr: str | None = None, keep_alive: bool | None = True, ignore_proxy: bool | None = False, ignore_certificates: bool | None = False, init_args_for_pool_manager: dict | None = None, client_config: ClientConfig | None = None)
A subclass of selenium.webdriver.remote.remote_connection.Remoteconnection.
- The changes are:
The default user agent
Adds ‘X-Idempotency-Key’ header in a new session request to avoid proceeding the same request multiple times in the Appium server side.
- extra_headers = {}
- classmethod get_remote_connection_headers(parsed_url: ParseResult, keep_alive: bool = True) Dict[str, Any]
Override get_remote_connection_headers in RemoteConnection to control the extra headers. This method will be used in sending a request method in this class.
- user_agent = 'appium/4.4.0 (selenium/4.27.1 (python linux))'
webdriver.appium_service module
- class AppiumService
- property is_listening: bool
Check if the service is listening on the given/default host/port.
The fact, that the service is running, does not always mean it is listening. The default host/port/base path values can be customized by providing –address/–port/–base-path command line arguments while starting the service.
- Returns:
True if the service is running and listening on the given/default host/port
- property is_running: bool
Check if the service is running.
- Returns:
True if the service is running
- start(**kwargs: Any) Popen
Starts Appium service with given arguments.
If you use the service to start Appium 1.x then consider providing [’–base-path’, ‘/wd/hub’] arguments. By default, the service assumes Appium server listens on ‘/’ path, which is the default path for Appium 2.
The service will be forcefully restarted if it is already running.
- Keyword Arguments:
env (dict) – Environment variables mapping. The default system environment, which is inherited from the parent process, is assigned by default.
node (str) – The full path to the main NodeJS executable. The service will try to retrieve it automatically if not provided.
npm (str) – The full path to the Node Package Manager (npm) script. The service will try to retrieve it automatically if not provided.
stdout (int) – Check the documentation for subprocess.Popen for more details. The default value is subprocess.DEVNULL on Windows and subprocess.PIPE on other platforms.
stderr (int) – Check the documentation for subprocess.Popen for more details. The default value is subprocess.DEVNULL on Windows and subprocess.PIPE on other platforms.
timeout_ms (int) – The maximum time to wait until Appium process starts listening for HTTP connections. If set to zero or a negative number then no wait will be applied. 60000 ms by default.
main_script (str) – The full path to the main Appium executable (usually located at build/lib/main.js). If not set then the service tries to detect the path automatically.
args (str) – List of Appium arguments (all must be strings). Check https://appium.io/docs/en/writing-running-appium/server-args/ for more details about possible arguments and their values.
- Returns:
You can use Popen.communicate interface or stderr/stdout properties of the instance (stdout/stderr must not be set to None in such case) in order to retrieve the actual process output.
- stop(timeout: float = 5.5) bool
Stops Appium service if it is running.
The call will be ignored if the service is not running or has been already stopped.
- Parameters:
timeout – The maximum time in float seconds to wait
for the server process to terminate :return: True if the service was running before being stopped
- exception AppiumServiceError
- exception AppiumStartupError
- find_executable(executable: str) str | None
- get_main_script(node: str | None, npm: str | None) str
- get_node() str
- get_npm() str
- is_service_listening(url: str, timeout: float = 5, custom_validator: Callable[[], None] | None = None) bool
Check if the service is running
- Parameters:
url – Full server url
timeout – Timeout in float seconds
custom_validator – Custom callable method to be executed upon each validation loop before the timeout happens
- Returns:
True if Appium server is running before the timeout
webdriver.applicationstate module
webdriver.clipboard_content_type module
webdriver.command_method module
webdriver.connectiontype module
- Connection types are specified here:
Value (Alias)
Airplane Mode
0 (None)
1 (Airplane Mode)
2 (Wifi only)
4 (Data only)
6 (All network on)
webdriver.errorhandler module
- format_stacktrace(original: None | str | Sequence) List[str]
webdriver.locator_converter module
webdriver.mobilecommand module
- class MobileCommand
- ACTIVATE_APP = 'activateApp'
- BACKGROUND = 'background'
- CLEAR = 'clear'
- COMPARE_IMAGES = 'compareImages'
- CONTEXTS = 'getContexts'
- EXECUTE_DRIVER = 'executeDriver'
- FINGER_PRINT = 'fingerPrint'
- GET_APP_STRINGS = 'getAppStrings'
- GET_AVAILABLE_LOG_TYPES = 'getAvailableLogTypes'
- GET_CAPABILITIES = 'getCapabilities'
- GET_CLIPBOARD = 'getClipboard'
- GET_CURRENT_ACTIVITY = 'getCurrentActivity'
- GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT = 'getCurrentContext'
- GET_CURRENT_PACKAGE = 'getCurrentPackage'
- GET_DEVICE_TIME_GET = 'getDeviceTimeGet'
- GET_DEVICE_TIME_POST = 'getDeviceTimePost'
- GET_DISPLAY_DENSITY = 'getDisplayDensity'
- GET_EVENTS = 'getLogEvents'
- GET_LOCATION = 'getLocation'
- GET_LOG = 'getLog'
- GET_NETWORK_CONNECTION = 'getNetworkConnection'
- GET_PERFORMANCE_DATA = 'getPerformanceData'
- GET_PERFORMANCE_DATA_TYPES = 'getPerformanceDataTypes'
- GET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION = 'getScreenOrientation'
- GET_SESSION = 'getSession'
- GET_SETTINGS = 'getSettings'
- GET_STATUS = 'getStatus'
- GET_SYSTEM_BARS = 'getSystemBars'
- HIDE_KEYBOARD = 'hideKeyboard'
- INSTALL_APP = 'installApp'
- IS_APP_INSTALLED = 'isAppInstalled'
- IS_ELEMENT_DISPLAYED = 'isElementDisplayed'
- IS_KEYBOARD_SHOWN = 'isKeyboardShown'
- IS_LOCKED = 'isLocked'
- KEY_EVENT = 'keyEvent'
- LOCATION_IN_VIEW = 'locationInView'
- LOCK = 'lock'
- LOG_EVENT = 'logCustomEvent'
- LONG_PRESS_KEYCODE = 'longPressKeyCode'
- MAKE_GSM_CALL = 'makeGsmCall'
- MULTI_ACTION = 'multiAction'
- OPEN_NOTIFICATIONS = 'openNotifications'
- PRESS_KEYCODE = 'pressKeyCode'
- PULL_FILE = 'pullFile'
- PULL_FOLDER = 'pullFolder'
- PUSH_FILE = 'pushFile'
- QUERY_APP_STATE = 'queryAppState'
- REMOVE_APP = 'removeApp'
- SEND_SMS = 'sendSms'
- SET_CLIPBOARD = 'setClipboard'
- SET_GSM_SIGNAL = 'setGsmSignal'
- SET_GSM_VOICE = 'setGsmVoice'
- SET_LOCATION = 'setLocation'
- SET_NETWORK_CONNECTION = 'setNetworkConnection'
- SET_NETWORK_SPEED = 'setNetworkSpeed'
- SET_POWER_AC = 'setPowerAc'
- SET_POWER_CAPACITY = 'setPowerCapacity'
- SET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION = 'setScreenOrientation'
- SHAKE = 'shake'
- START_RECORDING_SCREEN = 'startRecordingScreen'
- STOP_RECORDING_SCREEN = 'stopRecordingScreen'
- SWITCH_TO_CONTEXT = 'switchToContext'
- TERMINATE_APP = 'terminateApp'
- TOGGLE_LOCATION_SERVICES = 'toggleLocationServices'
- TOGGLE_TOUCH_ID_ENROLLMENT = 'toggleTouchIdEnrollment'
- TOGGLE_WIFI = 'toggleWiFi'
- TOUCH_ACTION = 'touchAction'
- TOUCH_ID = 'touchId'
- UNLOCK = 'unlock'
- UPDATE_SETTINGS = 'updateSettings'
webdriver.switch_to module
- class HasDriver(*args, **kwargs)
- class MobileSwitchTo(driver)
- context(context_name: str | None) Self
Sets the context for the current session. Passing None is equal to switching to native context.
- Parameters:
context_name – The name of the context to switch to.
- Usage:
webdriver.webdriver module
- class ExtensionBase(execute: Callable[[str, Dict], Dict[str, Any]])
Used to define an extension command as driver’s methods.
When you want to add example_command which calls a get request to session/$sessionId/path/to/your/custom/url.
- Defines an extension as a subclass of ExtensionBase
- class YourCustomCommand(ExtensionBase):
- def method_name(self):
return ‘custom_method_name’
# Define a method with the name of method_name def custom_method_name(self):
# Generally the response of Appium follows { ‘value’: { data } } # format. return self.execute()[‘value’]
# Used to register the command pair as “Appium command” in this driver. def add_command(self):
return (‘GET’, ‘session/$sessionId/path/to/your/custom/url’)
- Creates a session with the extension.
# Appium capabilities options = AppiumOptions() driver = webdriver.Remote(’http://localhost:4723/wd/hub’, options=options,
- Calls the custom command
# Then, the driver calls a get request against # session/$sessionId/path/to/your/custom/url. $sessionId will be # replaced properly in the driver. Then, the method returns # the value part of the response. driver.custom_method_name()
- Remove added commands (if needed)
# New commands are added by setattr. They remain in the module, # so you should explicitly delete them to define the same name method # with different arguments or process in the method. driver.delete_extensions()
You can give arbitrary arguments for the command like the below.
- class YourCustomCommand(ExtensionBase):
- def method_name(self):
return ‘custom_method_name’
- def test_command(self, argument):
return self.execute(argument)[‘value’]
- def add_command(self):
return (‘post’, ‘session/$sessionId/path/to/your/custom/url’)
- driver = webdriver.Remote(’http://localhost:4723/wd/hub’, options=options,
# Then, the driver sends a post request to session/$sessionId/path/to/your/custom/url # with {‘dummy_arg’: ‘as a value’} JSON body. driver.custom_method_name({‘dummy_arg’: ‘as a value’})
When you customize the URL dynamically with element id.
- class CustomURLCommand(ExtensionBase):
- def method_name(self):
return ‘custom_method_name’
- def custom_method_name(self, element_id):
return self.execute({‘id’: element_id})[‘value’]
- def add_command(self):
return (‘GET’, ‘session/$sessionId/path/to/your/custom/$id/url’)
- driver = webdriver.Remote(’http://localhost:4723/wd/hub’, options=options,
element = driver.find_element(by=AppiumBy.ACCESSIBILITY_ID, value=’id’)
# Then, the driver calls a get request to session/$sessionId/path/to/your/custom/$id/url # with replacing the $id with the given element.id driver.custom_method_name(element.id)
- add_command() Tuple[str, str]
Expected to define the pair of HTTP method and its URL.
- execute(parameters: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any
- method_name() str
Expected to return a method name. This name will be available as a driver method.
- Returns:
‘str’ The method name.
- class WebDriver(command_executor: str | AppiumConnection = '', keep_alive: bool = True, direct_connection: bool = True, extensions: List[WebDriver] | None = None, strict_ssl: bool = True, options: AppiumOptions | List[AppiumOptions] | None = None, client_config: ClientConfig | None = None)
- assert_extension_exists(ext_name: str) Self
Verifies if the given extension is not present in the list of absent extensions for the given driver instance. This API is designed for private usage.
- Parameters:
ext_name – extension name
- Returns:
self instance for chaining
- Raises:
UnknownMethodException – If the extension has been marked as absent once
- create_web_element(element_id: int | str) WebElement
Creates a web element with the specified element_id.
Overrides method in Selenium WebDriver in order to always give them Appium WebElement
- Parameters:
element_id – The element id to create a web element
- Returns:
- delete_extensions() None
Delete extensions added in the class with ‘setattr’
- get_status() Dict
Get the Appium server status
- Usage:
- Returns:
The status information
- Return type:
- mark_extension_absence(ext_name: str) Self
Marks the given extension as absent for the given driver instance. This API is designed for private usage.
- Parameters:
ext_name – extension name
- Returns:
self instance for chaining
- property orientation: str
Gets the current orientation of the device :Usage:
- ::
orientation = driver.orientation
- start_session(capabilities: Dict | AppiumOptions, browser_profile: str | None = None) None
Creates a new session with the desired capabilities.
Override for Appium
- Parameters:
capabilities – Read https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/writing-running-appium/caps.md for more details.
browser_profile – Browser profile
- property switch_to: MobileSwitchTo
Returns an object containing all options to switch focus into
Override for appium
- Returns:
webdriver.webelement module
- class WebElement(parent, id_)
- clear() Self
Clears text.
Override for Appium
- Returns:
- get_attribute(name: str) str | Dict | None
Gets the given attribute or property of the element.
Override for Appium
This method will first try to return the value of a property with the given name. If a property with that name doesn’t exist, it returns the value of the attribute with the same name. If there’s no attribute with that name,
is returned.Values which are considered truthy, that is equals “true” or “false”, are returned as booleans. All other non-
values are returned as strings. For attributes or properties which do not exist,None
is returned.- Parameters:
name – Name of the attribute/property to retrieve.
- Usage:
# Check if the “active” CSS class is applied to an element.
is_active = “active” in target_element.get_attribute(“class”)
- Returns:
The given attribute or property of the element
- is_displayed() bool
Whether the element is visible to a user.
Override for Appium
- property location_in_view: Dict[str, int]
Gets the location of an element relative to the view.
- Usage:
- location = element.location_in_viewx = location[‘x’]y = location[‘y’]
- Returns:
The location of an element relative to the view
- Return type:
- send_keys(*value: str) Self
Simulates typing into the element.
- Parameters:
value – A string for typing.
- Returns:
Module contents
Appium Python Client: WebDriver module