This documentation is deprecated. Please refer to the README in the Appium repository or Appium 2.0 documentation.

  Edit this Doc Appium Platform Support

Appium supports a variety of platforms and testing modalities (native, hybrid, web, real devices, simulators, etc...). This document is designed to make explicit the level of support and requirements for each of these, or guide each driver to proper page.

Appium team support

This section lists drivers that are supported by Appium team.

iOS Support

iOS automation is supported with two drivers:

Please refer to these driver docs for setup instructions.

Android Support

Android automation is supported with two drivers:

Please refer to these driver docs for setup instructions.

macOS Support

macOS automation is supported with below drivers.

Windows Desktop Support

Windows automation is supported with below drivers.

Vendors/Community based drivers

This section lists drivers that are supported by vendors and community.

You.i Engine Support

Flutter Support

Roku Support

WebOS Support