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Settings are a new concept introduced by Appium. They are currently not a part of the Mobile JSON Wire Protocol, or the Webdriver spec.

Settings are a way to specify the behavior of the appium server.

Settings are: - Mutable, they can be changed during a session - Only relevant during the session they are applied. They are reset for each new session. - Control the way the appium server behaves during test automation. They do not apply to controlling the app or device under test.

An example of a setting would be ignoreUnimportantViews for Android. Android can be set to ignore elements in the View Hierarchy which it deems irrelevant. Setting this can cause tests to run faster. A user who wants to access the ignored elements however, would want to disable ignoreUnimportantViews, and reenable it afterwards.

Another example of a use-case for settings would be telling appium to ignore elements which are not visible.

Settings are implemented via the following API endpoints:

Update Device Settings

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/settings

Expects a JSON hash of settings, where keys correspond to setting names, and values to the value of the setting.

  settings: {
   ignoreUnimportantViews : true

Retrieve Device Settings

GET /session/:sessionId/appium/settings

Returns a JSON hash of all the currently specified settings.

  ignoreUnimportantViews : true

General Supported Settings

Name Description Values
shouldUseCompactResponses Returns compact (standards-compliant) & faster responses in find element/s. Defaults to true false or true
elementResponseAttributes The comma-separated list of fields to return with each element. It works only shouldUseCompactResponses is false. Defaults to "type,label" in iOS, "" in Android. e.g., "name,text,rect,attribute/name,attribute/value"

Image Elements also has image elements specific settings.


Please refer to the documentation on the UiAutomator2 Driver repository


Please refer to the documentation on the XCUITest Driver repository


Please refer to the documentation on the Mac2Driver repository